Hey 👋,
I'm Titouan, someone passionate about computers and new technology. Since I was young,
informatic aroused my interest with for example video games. I got deeply interested in
understanding how they work with the coding, graphics, multiplayer ...
Since September 2023 I've been a student at ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, where I'm pursuing a degree in computer science and telecommunications through an apprenticeship programme. I'm doing my apprenticeship at Orange, in the world of IoT, where I'm exploring the different sides of the connected home ecosystem. My work involves fullstack development, embedded software, research into new technologies and so on. I'm passionate about technology and innovation, and I'm determined to push back the boundaries of what's possible in computing and emerging technologies.
After a general baccalaureate specializing in Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (option expert mathematics), I turned to a Computer Science Bachelor's Degree where I was able to specialize in application development: Design, Implementation and Validation.